Basic Architectural Design Services:
Architectural Desig
n Service is typically broken down into the following phases:
Additional Services
  • Existing Condition Drawings
  • LEED Certification
  • Site Plan Approvals - Planning Board
  • Subdivision Approvals - Planning Board
  • Variances - Zoning Board of Appeals
  • 3 - D Computer Modeling
  • Special Permits
  • Site and Septic Design
  • Legalizations
Give us a call to discuss the Aditional Services that we can provide.
      For more information on working with an architect, click here to go to the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Website:

Schematic Design Phase:

The Schematic Design Phase sets the general scope of the project. This conceptual design defines the scale and relationships among the different elements of the building. In this phase, the
Architect will prepare schematic sketches which show the general arrangement of spaces and their relationship to one another.
We will also show the location of the building on the site and its relationship to surrounding properties.
There will be several Design Meetings exploring alternate design solutions. Drawings, sketches and/ or Computer Models will be prepared to help the Client visualize the project.
Upon approval of the Final Schematic Design, the project
proceeds to the next phase.

Click here to go to Design Development Phase